Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 9, 2012

Tai phan mem LuaEdit

Tai phan mem LuaEdit mien phi From OSI (Open Source) :, LuaEdit is power script editor and debugger for the 5.0 version of Lua. It features many tools such as advance breakpoint management, syntax highlighting, completion proposal list, local and global variable windows. Its interface has been designed to look as closest as possible to MS Visual Studio .Net IDE. Version 3.0.2 build 119 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. Tags:windows software,developer tools,interpreters & compilers,luaedit, all Nha phat trien: Cap nhat moi:2012-09-17 11:00:01 Yeu cau: Ban quyen: Tai phan mem:LuaEdit - LuaEdit Download phan mem LuaEdit

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