Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 9, 2012

Tai phan mem JavaExe

Tai phan mem JavaExe mien phi From Dev Wizard :, JavaExe makes it possible to launch a Java application starting from an EXE under Windows and to associate its own icon. With this new version, you can now: to define your Java application running as control panel of Windows; to put the application in icon of the taskbar, with its own menu; to define a Windows service with an interactive part (with an icon in the taskbar); and to receive the systems events of Windows, and to be able to manage them in the Java application. Version 3.0.2 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. Tags:windows software,developer tools,java software,javaexe, all Nha phat trien: Cap nhat moi:2012-09-17 10:00:01 Yeu cau: Ban quyen: Tai phan mem:JavaExe - JavaExe Download phan mem JavaExe

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