Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 9, 2012

Tai phan mem Paycheck Calculator for Excel

Tai phan mem Paycheck Calculator for Excel mien phi Reviewed by: Downloadsh staff on June 14, 2011,Array, Vertex42's Paycheck Calculator for Excel is a free spreadsheet template that lets users calculate where their paycheck goes every month. It calculates deductions, withholdings, and allowances, including state and local taxes, FICA, 401(k) contributions, and more. It requires Microsoft Excel 2002 or later; we also recommend having the necessary financial records on hand, such as pay stubs or tax forms. , We extracted Paycheck Calculator's zipped download and clicked it, which opened it inside Excel. It's a cleanly configured Excel spreadsheet with a variety of simple fields for entering data, which were filled with helpful example entries. Clearly demarcated sections let us enter Gross Pay; Filing Status and Withholdings, including pre-tax and post-tax adjustments; and Estimated Pay Check, including Net Takehome Pay and all deductions. A handy bar graph to the right clearly shows the size of each bite taken out of your check. Better still, most every heading had a small red triangle in its corner that called up clear, detailed explanations when we hovered our cursor over them. Clicking the developer's link took us to a Web page with documentation, screenshots, and a video demo. However, Paycheck Calculator is totally easy to use. We simply replaced the example entries with personal data and deleted those that didn't apply. The spreadsheet did the rest, displaying our esti mated pay and deductions. Changing the totals was as easy as changing a data field. ,From Vertex42 :, Calculate the effect of deductions, withholdings, taxes, and allowances on your take-home pay, using this simple and customizable Excel spreadsheet by You can determine your take-home pay by entering your gross revenue, your withholdings and adjustments, choosing how frequently you are paid (weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly), and the number of allowances to claim. You can also use the calculator for hypothetical or future raises, adjustments to your 401(k) contributions, and other pre- or post-tax deductions. Help is included in the spreadsheet and on the official author page. Tags:windows software,productivity software,calculators,paycheck calculator for excel, all Nha phat trien: Cap nhat moi:2012-09-14 03:00:02 Yeu cau: Ban quyen: Tai phan mem:Paycheck Calculator for Excel - Paycheck Calculator for Excel Download phan mem Paycheck Calculator for Excel

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