Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 9, 2012

Tai phan mem NoteTab Light

Tai phan mem NoteTab Light mien phi Reviewed by: Seth Rosenblatt on March 16, 2008,Array, Once you explore the power of NoteTab Light, you may find this text editor beautiful despite its hectic interface. At its core, NoteTab Light is to Windows' Notepad as an iPhone is to a rotary phone. NoteTab Light incorporates top-level tabs similar to most Web browsers, so that you can manage several different projects at once, and it can automatically replace Notepad so that Notepad's icons open NoteTab instead--although not in Windows Vista. , However, it's more than a mere replacement. The left column displays a list of commands, called Clips, that do anything from inserting bits of text to generating code. Each library, the roster of which appears as tabs at the bottom of the screen, contains its own set of clips. The FTP library, for example, lets you create server profiles, connect, upload and download files, and issue various commands. The HTML library auto-completes HTML tags. The publisher's site offers many user-created libraries, or you can make your own. You can create your own clips by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2. ,From Fookes Software :, NoteTab Light is a versatile free Notepad replacement and a handy HTML editor. Move quickly around stacks of large files with a simple tabbed interface and format your text to your heart's content. Perform system-wide search and replacements. Strip HTML tags. Build libraries of text macros to speed up your work. Avoid tedious cut-and-paste operations - save text clips automatically in Paste Board files. Make the most of NoteTab's options to suit your workstyle. Version 6.2 adds optional code page token support in template headers. Also adds new templates. Tags:windows software,developer tools,coding utilities,notetab light, all Nha phat trien: Cap nhat moi:2012-09-17 19:00:02 Yeu cau: Ban quyen: Tai phan mem:NoteTab Light - NoteTab Light Download phan mem NoteTab Light

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