Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 9, 2012

Tai phan mem Mendeley Desktop

Tai phan mem Mendeley Desktop mien phi From Mendeley :, Mendeley is a free research management tool for desktop and Web. Organize your own research library. SHARE with other researchers. DISCOVER new research and trends. Mendeley Desktop is academic software that indexes and organizes all of your PDF documents and research papers into your own personal digital bibliography. It gathers document details from your PDFs allowing you to effortlessly search, organize and cite. It also looks up PubMed, CrossRef, DOIs, and other related document details automatically. Drag and drop functionality makes populating the library quick and easy. The Web Importer allows you to quickly and easily import papers from resources such as Google Scholar, ACM, IEEE and many more at the click of a button. Collaborate with fellow researchers and share information, resources and experiences with shared and public collections. Your research team will have easy access to each others papers. Just create a group, invite your colleagues and drag and drop do cuments in there. This way you can keep on top of what they're reading and discover more about what interests you. Through the Mendeley research network you can connect with other researchers in your field. This opens up a whole new avenue for knowledge discovery. You can view the most read authors, journals and research papers in your field. You can explore by using tags associated with your research area. By navigating the Web of knowledge available to you, you make some useful contacts along the way too. In addition to that, you can also view interesting statistics about your own digital library. Tags:windows software,educational software,reference software,mendeley desktop, all Nha phat trien: Cap nhat moi:2012-09-05 23:00:02 Yeu cau: Ban quyen: Tai phan mem:Mendeley Desktop - Mendeley Desktop Download phan mem Mendeley Desktop

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