Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 9, 2012

Tai phan mem Apple Safari

Tai phan mem Apple Safari mien phi Reviewed by: Seth Rosenblatt on June 09, 2010,Array, The previous version of Safari for Windows dramatically changed the nature of the browser from something of an unfinished curiosity to an alternative with seriously quick chops. It lacked many of the customization features that define most other browsers, but certain unique default features, such as the visually impressive, Cover Flow-inspired Top Sites and history viewing, made it worth checking out for more users besides just browser enthusiasts and jaded reviewers. , Though Safari 5 continues the push for speed, able to surpass (by some tests) bleeding-edge JavaScript engines from Google and Opera, Apple continues to place feature development farther down the totem pole of importance. That doesn't mean that new features have been ignored. There's the new Reader option that streamlines how you read articles, broader support for HTML5, default support for searches on Bing, and performance improvements. However, the biggest new feature of them all--Extensions--won't be available until later this summer according to Apple, and depending on what you're looking for in a browser, Safari can be seen as lacking many helpful options. ,From Apple :, With a simple, elegant interface, the Safari browser gets out of your way and lets you enjoy the Web. Features include: fast performance; an elegant user interface, easy bookmarks, pop-up Blocking, inline find, tabbed browsing, SnapBack, automatic form filling, built-in RSS, resizable text fields, private browsing, and security. Tags:windows software,browsers,web browsers,apple safari, all Nha phat trien: Cap nhat moi:2012-09-13 00:00:02 Yeu cau: Ban quyen: Tai phan mem:Apple Safari - Apple Safari Download phan mem Apple Safari

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